I think the biggest problem we're having with following the wall is that the sensors aren't getting good data. The old design had one 80cm sensor pointing left at 45 degrees, one ahead, and one right. That leaves a big dead spot out at 80cm where we can't detect anything. So by the time we finally get a hit on the front sensor and the right sensor, it's too late to make the turn.
So, my first idea had 5 sensors. One ahead, two right, and two left. The goal was to be able to calculate the wall angle more often, since the "rays" were calculated to cross at the max distance. So I put a lot of time into machining a very precise mount, then put a lot of time into writing the software to display and calculate the angles. Then it didn't work at all. The sensors are just not reliable enough individually to be able to calculate any angles far enough away to be useful.
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